Baby Hat with Mrs Moon “Pudding” by Virginia (Central Coast)
You can find me on instagram: wool_n_gin
What's the worst and best project project that you've ever worked on? A knitted beanie that I tried to make it recently - but I am not a big fan of knitting patterns because I think it's harder than crochet! Ha! My signature project is a crocheted baby alpaca beanie of which I improvised an old pattern and make it all mine! I have made this 10 beanies in 3 months!
Rank your favorite crafting activities…. Hmmm. Last is knitting as I don't knit very much! Third is weaving, a new craft that I recently learned. Second - spinning, I love spinning my own wool for my crochet …. And #1 of course crochet, as I've been doing it for 10 years!!
If you had $200 to spend tomorrow on any crafty things, what would you buy?
Fibre, fibre and more fibre to spin!! Merino and silk preferably. Pink please.
How was Mrs Moon Pudding to make your beautiful baby beanie?
VERY soft!! Easy to crochet, soft in the hands and the colours are delicious!
Virginia crocheted the cute Baby Beret (by Mrs Moon) with Mrs Moon Pudding.